CorEuStem is proud to announce the official launch of the European Core Facilities Database on our webpage! Please take a look at it here.
CorEuStem COST Action led the initiative to compile all Stem Cell and Gene Editing Core Facilities running in Europe, as well as the main services provided by each one of them regarding: i) hPSCs characterisation; ii) gene editing; iii) cell reprogramming; and iv) cell differentiation. Detailed content on the type of services provided by each core facility is available for CorEuStem members on Members Area.
The database interface is displayed as an Europe map, highlighting the current CorEuStem affiliated and non-affiliated facilities.
Is your facility missing from our database? Do you know other core facilities running in Europe that are not depicted and/or are not part of CorEuStem network yet? Please contact us and help us to keep our database updated.